The Complete Guide To Our Psychometric Assessments
What assessments are offered at Human Performance Technology by DTS?
We offer individual, team and company-wide assessments and reports. Each assessment is:
- Unbiased,
- Valid and reliable,
- Available digitally (desktop and mobile) and user friendly,
- Based on scientific theory and research (technical reports can be made available),
- Easily incorporated into your unique Assessment Centre,
- Can be applied through the entire employee lifecycle from recruitment to development, management and career transitions (providing more bang for your buck),
- A complement to your unique talent management strategy.
Behavioural Insights DISC
Why Use Behavioural Profiling?
Behavioural profiling not only gives you an understanding of how you are perceived by others, it also gives you a neutral language to discuss your behaviour, communication, style of working and reactions. Its been particularly powerful during periods of change in a business.
It is the ultimate mirror on the wall that explains what everyone else can see: the surface level of how you behave and communicate.
What is the DISC Assessment?
DISC (an acronym for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) is a complex model made simple by years of research and practice. It identifies behavioural styles that can open your eyes to improving your interactions with others. The model covers four spectrums of behaviour.
- Dominance (D) – How we deal with problems and challenges.
- Influence (I) – How we deal with people and contacts.
- Steadiness (S) – How we deal with the pace and consistency of the environment.
- Compliance (C) – How we deal with procedures and constraints.
An individual will have some degree of each of the four behavioural styles (i.e. we are not just one style). Whether an individual measures "high" or "low" on a spectrum is not an indication of “good” or “bad” behaviours; rather, it’s the profile of behaviours that are visible and recognisable on the surface.
DISC profiling is used by an estimated 75% of the Fortune 500 because of what it delivers to a team. It continues to be the most popular choice for professional development as well as recruitment and selection.
This assessment provides a neutral language to discuss individual differences between candidates and/or team members. Our sophisticated report writing algorithm creates a customised report for each individual and includes:
- Behavioural style and graphs,
- General characteristics and value to the organisation,
- Communication tips for managers, teams and individual contributors,
- Areas for awareness that support sales, service, leadership and team building among others.
Simply stated, DISC measures how we behave and communicate. One of the most powerful things about DISC profiling is the fact that people identify with the report almost immediately! The real value comes from using the information in the report to understand oneself and others to adapt and be more effective.
Our Unique DISC Offering
We provide a unique offering in that our assessment reports can be customised and combined with other tools to suit the individual and the circumstances. For example, if you wanted to improve communication, engagement and effectiveness in a hybrid work setting, you could apply the DISC assessment. With us, you then have options to generate the right style of report. That could be an Executive Report, Management-Staff Report, Sales Report, Team Report, or the new Engagement Report (to name a few). This means the report has the right language for the individual.
The other important attribute to point out is that we are leading the industry in how DISC practitioners look at the behavioural graph. We are repositioning the DISC graph to look like a continuum, which is what was intended in the original assessment created by Walter V. Clarke. This means transitioning from a vertical graph to a horizontal continuum, so that DISC practitioners can use neutral vocabulary to discuss a profile. This is new in 2022 and is available in selective reports.
12 Driving Forces of Motivation
Why Use Motivation Profiling?
For people to be more engaged, productive and satisfied in their personal and professional lives, they must understand their intrinsic motivators and drivers. By using the 12 Driving Forces assessment, people can tap into a deeper realisation of who they are. They will gain powerful insights into why they move into action and what really motivates them to achieve.
Go beyond understanding your behaviours and discover why you do what you do; this deeper awareness will help you to better articulate your passion and reach your potential.
What is the 12 Driving Forces Assessment?
Our attitudes reflect our values, which shape the way we see the world; they are a viewpoint, a mindset or a way of valuing life. As a result, these values motivate us to take action. Therefore, the 12 Driving Forces explains why we move into action as well as what motivates us to achieve, sell, manage, connect with customers and more.
There are 12 drivers measured by the assessment:
- Intellectual – Driven by opportunities to learn, acquire knowledge and the discovery of truth.
- Instinctive – Driven by utilising past experiences, intuition and seeking specific knowledge when necessary.
- Resourceful – Driven by practical results, maximising both efficiency and returns for their investments of time, talent, energy and resources.
- Selfless – Driven by completing tasks for the sake of completion, with little expectation of personal return.
- Harmonious – Driven by the subjective experience and balance in their surroundings.
- Objective – Driven by the functionality and objectivity of their surroundings.
- Altruistic – Driven to assist others for the satisfaction of being helpful and supportive.
- Intentional – Driven to assist others for a specific purpose, not just for the sake of being helpful or supportive.
- Commanding – Driven by status, recognition and control over personal freedom.
- Collaborative – Driven by being in a supporting role and contributing with little need for individual recognition.
- Structured – Driven by traditional approaches, proven methods and a defined system for living.
- Receptive – Driven by new ideas, methods and opportunities that fall outside a defined system for living.
Once you are aware of the dominant motivators contributing passion and purpose to your life, you will be able to clarify what drives your actions, as well as what causes conflict.
Emotional Intelligence
Why Use Emotional Intelligence Profiling?
At the core of a person's non-technical skills are the five dimensions of emotional intelligence, and tapping into those dimensions reveals the core of who you are, thereby enabling you to maximise your skills, talents and capabilities. That is why understanding a person’s emotional intelligence quotient (or EQ) is one of the most important actions to take in career development.
Successful leaders and performers develop their emotional intelligence so they can work effectively with a variety of people and respond appropriately to changes in their environment.
The EQ assessment measures the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity.
What is the Emotional Quotient Assessment?
The EQ assessment focuses on two core areas of emotional intelligence: intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence. The assessment breaks these two areas into the five dimensions of emotional intelligence (also known as the pillars of emotional intelligence).
Intrapersonal emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand oneself, form an accurate concept of the self and apply that concept to operate more effectively. There are three pillars that make up the intrapersonal side of EQ:
- Self Awareness is the ability to recognise and understand your own moods, emotions and drives as well as their effects on others.
- Self Regulation is the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods. This includes the propensity to suspend judgment and to think before acting.
- Motivation is a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status and to pursue your goals with energy and persistence.
Interpersonal emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and understand how to effectively relate to, work with and motivate others. There are two pillars that make up the interpersonal side of EQ:
- Social Awareness is the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people and the skill to treat people according to their emotional reactions.
- Social Regulation is the proficiency in managing relationships, building networks and the ability to find common ground to build rapport.
In many cases, emotions are carried down an organisation's hierarchy, subsequently affecting everyone. Therefore, the EQ report is geared towards helping everyone who plays a role in creating the tone and culture of an organisation. The report helps respondents to be more self-aware and empowers them to support the emotions of others.
Our report is business-focused and designed for leaders, managers and team members. (The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence is a helpful article.) The EQ report can also be used in mentoring and training programs to develop communication effectiveness, conflict resolution, sales effectiveness and relationships.
Acumen Capacity Index (ACI)
Why Use the ACI Assessment?
Everyone's brain has a unique thought process or model through which we filter and assess our views of the world. These patterns of thought determine the natural talents we bring to any situation or role. Therefore, understanding the patterns enables us to understand our potential.
People use each of the three dimensions of thought in varying degrees; however, all are used in the process of making a decision. The difference in clarity and focus in each area defines how we think and make decisions. These unique patterns of thought affect our actions, interactions and decisions every day. The ACI provides a model to identify, appreciate and develop these patterns of thought to achieve our greatest impact.
What is the ACI Assessment?
This assessment delivers an in-depth understanding of your cognitive structure (i.e. your thought process), which is the link to developing personal potential and performance.
In the context of the ACI assessment, a person’s acumen is their depth of perception or discernment. The stronger a person’s acumen, the greater the ability to make distinctions in how they view themselves and the world around them.
The ACI assesses a person’s clarity and focus in these three distinct dimensions of thought:
- Systemic - Definitions, structure and order.
- Extrinsic - Comparisons, practicality and usefulness.
- Intrinsic - Feelings, emotions and individuality.
The ACI is backed by more than 40 years of research and was based on science from Robert Hartman, who was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work. The assessment we use today has been validated in over 28 individual validation studies, conducted by 19 different examiners. The results speak for themselves!
Target Selling Insights (TSI)
Why use the TSI Assessment?
An investment in your sales team is an investment in the livelihood of your organisation. Sustaining a business heavily relies on sales. Developing a sale's team will therefore produce a very good return on investment.
The TSI measures one's comprehension of the sales process, as benchmarked by proven top sales people. The TSI profile helps people develop their sales strategy, approach, technique and more.
What is the TSI Assessment?
The TSI was developed by William T Brooks (renowned sales trainer and author) and Bill J Bonnstetter (Chairman of TTI Success Insights) through the creation of a universal skills index for professional salespeople.
The TSI measures a person's understanding of the sales process and provides a platform to discuss and develop one's knowledge of sales. The assessment presents questions that portray real sales situations. Each situation has four alternative ways it can be handled.
Respondents are given the opportunity to rank the four alternatives from “best” to “worst.” By comparing their response with those of proven top sales professionals, a report is generated showing strengths, weaknesses and how well they understood sales strategy in seven categories:
- Prospecting - Identifying and sourcing new business opportunities.
- First Impressions - The first face-to-face interaction with a new prospect.
- Qualifying - Questions to identify the conditions in which a prospect will buy.
- Demonstrating - The product or service presentation phase.
- Influencing - This is the persuasion and objection handling phase.
- Close - This is the asking to buy stage – or opening a business relationship.
- General - This is an overall score for understanding of the sales process.
Knowledge of the sales process and successful strategy is only one component that leads to sales success. Sales behaviour, motivation, product knowledge all shape our ability to succeed in selling.
With the information provided by the TSI, sales professionals, managers and trainers are armed with the information to target specific development activities in the sales arena.
The DNA of Performance
Why use the DNA 25 Assessment?
Particularly in the knowledge economy, there is a growing recognition of the importance of non-technical skills in the workplace. The DNA 25 profile measures an individual’s level of development in 25 business-related competencies (or non-technical skills). The profile is so named because these 25 competencies are the foundational building blocks - the DNA - of performance.
The DNA 25 report provides a platform to:
- Discuss what helps people achieve results in their personal and professional lives,
- Identify skills or abilities that lead to superior performance,
- Understand that our competencies are not “fixed,” but with effort and support, they can be developed,
- Create tailored plans to develop the competencies that will have the most impact on performance.
What is the DNA 25 Assessment?
The report ranks an individual's "Competencies Hierarchy" from the most developed competency to the least developed competency. The 25 competencies (alphabetically) measured are:
- Appreciating Others
- Conceptual Thinking
- Conflict Management
- Continuous Learning
- Creativity & Innovation
- Customer Focus
- Decision Making
- Diplomacy
- Employee Development
- Flexibility
- Futuristic Thinking
- Goal Orientation
- Influencing Others
- Interpersonal Skills
- Leadership
- Personal Accountability
- Planning & Organising
- Problem Solving
- Project Management
- Negotiation
- Resiliency
- Self Starting
- Time & Priority Management
- Teamwork
- Understanding Others
The competencies are ranked from “needing development” to “highly developed” so that an individual can develop the competencies that will have the most impact on performance.
How do I apply the assessments?
This section explains how to select the right single-science or multi-science approach based on the needs of your business. It also provides a general overview of the steps involved in completing an assessment.
Single-science versus multi-science
Our suite of assessments is designed to allow for a combination of profiles to complement and build on one another. This gives you the ability to integrate multiple layers of human interactions in your profiles to achieve your desired outcomes. We call these combinations “multi-science” assessments.
A multi-science profile delivers deeper insights and greater value to the individual. Plus, having an integrated knowledge of unique human differences means that each person is better able to respond to challenges as they arise. (There is also a price break on the combinations.) Our most popular multi-science report is the TriMetrix EQ (which incorporates the DISC, 12 Driving Forces and Emotional Quotient). Our simplest multi-science report is the Engagement Report (which incorporates the DISC and 12 Driving Forces in a sleek, brief 13-page report).
A “single-science” assessment is undertaken independently of other assessments. Our suite of assessments can all be administered as stand-alone tools that provide in-depth profiles from which an individual will gain highly valuable insights.
Which assessments should I use?
The first step in answering this question is to be clear on what the problem is and what you’re trying to achieve. Here are some examples…
Sample Problem 1
We’re re-designing our business in response to market changes so we’re making a pivot in our direction. Our goal is to align our team members to new roles that suit their interests and capabilities.
Proposed Approach
Take a multi-science approach for these benefits:
- The DNA 25 to understand team members’ soft skills. This helps to create appropriate training programs for upskilling.
- 12 Driving Forces to understand what motivates and drives team members into action. This will help align their drivers to their new role.
- DISC to expedite the process of new teams coming together for the first time and needing to quickly appreciate different styles of operating, communicating and contributing so as to be effective from the outset.
- We call this combination of assessments the TriMetrix DNA, and it can be adapted for position benchmarking and selection, training and development, as well as strategy and management.
Sample Problem 2
We’re scaling up our business, which means we need to rapidly expand our leadership team. Our goal is to build a cohesive leadership team that respects differences, works effectively together and leads their teams to the highest standards while working remotely.
Proposed Approach
Take a multi-science approach for these benefits:
- Emotional Quotient to build the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity.
- 12 Driving Forces to support awareness of how they can influence others based on their intrinsic motivators.
- DISC to understand and appreciate different communication styles in a remote or dispersed working environment.
- We call this combination of assessments TriMetrix EQ, and it can be adapted for the management and development of large teams.
Sample Problem 3
Due to the abrupt departure of our Chief Executive Officer, we have senior leaders in acting and hybrid roles for an interim period until a new executive can be sourced, reviewed and brought onboard. Our goal is to bring in a CEO who aligns to our culture and will lead us into the future of our business; hence, we want to undertake a comprehensive review of our candidates while also gathering data about our culture and inner-workings to ultimately prioritise our change efforts for the new executive.
Proposed Approach
Take a multi-science approach combined with an organisational culture audit for these benefits:
- DISC to understand the executive’s approach to leading change and responding to a changing environment.
- ACI to appreciate the natural talents that the executive will bring to the organisation, as well as the candidate’s thought process and approach for the upcoming change efforts.
- DNA 25 to identify the strengths of the executive in terms of soft skills and how that will lead to performance.
- 12 Driving Forces to see the alignment of the executive’s drivers to the role, the business and new direction of the organisation.
- Culture Suite Audit to bring the entire executive team together to assess alignment (on factors of organisational development) before taking the assessment across the organisation to identify the critical blocks for building-up the organisation’s culture to achieve its goals.
- We call the first combination of assessments the TriMetrix HD, and it can be adapted for position benchmarking and selection, professional development, strategic planning, management and personal growth. The second assessment is referred to as the Culture Suite Audit.
The second step in determining the right assessment to use is to book a brief consultation with us so that we can confirm how the assessments will support your business objectives.
What's the process for using the assessments?
All of our assessments are available digitally (desktop and mobile). Respondents will be sent a website link and passcode with some simple instructions to complete the assessment(s) assigned to them.
The time to complete our assessments ranges from 10 minutes to 60 minutes, and they need to be completed in one sitting without being interrupted or distracted.
Upon completion of the assessment(s), a report is generated using our algorithm. Depending on the rollout approach you select, we can provide personalised debriefs and group sessions, or your internal accredited professional can fully own and run the rollout.
Do I need to be certified/ accredited to buy and use the assessments?
Our psychometric assessments are administered and debriefed by accredited professionals. When purchasing and applying these assessments, there are a few options available to suit your needs:
- 1 - Use our in-house accredited professionals, and we’ll manage the administration, debriefing, group sessions and tracking (and additional work based on the defined project). We offer supplementary support with our "Internal Champions" e-learning course.
- 2A - An internal member of your organisation can complete a virtual accreditation, and then fully own the internal use, administration, management and tracking of assessments.
- 2B - An internal member of your organisation can complete the virtual accreditation, and then roll out the debriefs and/or group sessions while we manage the administration, management and tracking of the assessments.
There are three levels of accreditation available, which are provided by our partner and supplier TTI Success Insights ANZ. You may like to read the Top 15 Reasons to Attend Accreditation!
Are there benefits to using the assessments?
Yes, there are benefits to using assessments. Anytime that you can increase an individual's self-awareness and self-understanding, there is a benefit to that person at a minimum. Naturally, it follows that if that individual can harness their learning from the assessment and apply it to their work and/or personal life, the benefit is extended to a network of people.
There is a lot of power in using assessments with teams so that they have a common language with which to discuss their differences in a neutral and unbiased way that ultimately highlights the strengths and weaknesses that we all have.
Why use assessments?
Psychometric testing is very prevalent in the workplace today. These tools are an integral part of talent management. In fact, they can be integrated into talent management practices across the employee lifecycle as described in this article.
Assessments can help managers to navigate uncertainty around their workforce with reliable data to foster talent growth and improve performance.
In 2015, Harvard Business Review noted that “76% of organisations with more than 100 employees rely on assessment tools… and that figure is expected to climb to 88% over the next few years. Global estimates suggest that the tests are used for 72% of middle management positions and up to 80% of senior roles, compared with 59% of entry-level positions.”
Within the HR community, it was reported in 2016 by 81% of respondents that the top benefit from psychometric assessments was more reliable and less risky decisions, followed by predicting performance (57%), and decisions that are fairer (54%), defendable (47%) and faster (34%).
What benefits do you expect from the use of psychometric assessment?
(Multiple answers possible, 2016 included N=1,732)
The greatest expectations amongst the HR community remain: Psychometric enables more reliable and faster HR decisions - and predicts performance.
Caption - The Global Assessment Barometer, 2016. Expected benefits from psychometric assessments.
What are the common uses for assessments?
Assessments are used for personal growth, professional development, executive coaching and in support of organisational improvement or change. During the recent health pandemic and transition to remote working, assessments have also been used to improve team connection.
The six most common uses for psychometric assessments are outlined in the list below.
- Strategy & Management - Strengthen human capital management to enable the organisation to meet its strategic objectives.
- Recruitment & Selection - Improve selection with position benchmarking and assessments for structured way of comparing candidates.
- Organisational Redesign - Modernise beyond structures and reporting lines to encompass the management of talent, performance and skills.
- Leadership - Establish self-awareness & an appreciation of diversity with a neutral language to discuss the individual differences that advance a team.
- Performance & Sales Effectiveness - Embrace matching the needs of your customers to your services through customer and stakeholder profiling.
- Personal Growth & Awareness - Gain insights into relationships and appreciate how you differ using a neutral language for unique characteristics.
What is the validity and reliability of the assessments?
Human Performance Technology by DTS partners with TTI Success Insights ANZ, a brand known as a leading provider of research-based, validated assessment and coaching tools that enable organisations to effectively meet their human capital management needs. With TTI Success Insights’ client base made up of Fortune 500 companies, its assessments and reports have been distributed and applied in 90 countries and translated into 46 languages. They are also a leader in cutting edge research on human behaviour, communication and workplace attitudes and performance.
Using Cronbach’s alpha (α), the most appropriate statistical test for calculating reliability, research demonstrates TTI Success Insights’ assessments are well above the minimum levels of acceptance for scientific validity. Generally speaking, Cronbach’s alpha ranges from 0 to 1 (inclusive) where an assessment is considered more reliable if it has a higher score above .70.
We are most frequently asked about the reliability of the DISC assessment so we’ve shared Cronbach’s alpha for each factor here. You are welcome to get in touch for additional information or technical reports.
DISC Assessment in English for Australia and New Zealand:
- Dominance (D) .89
- Influence (I) .86
- Steadiness (S) .85
- Compliance (C) .84
Our psychometric assessment supplier, TTI Success Insights, has a dedicated research team and lab, headed by a Neuroscientist and staffed with multiple PhDs in Mathematics and Psychology. The team constantly conducts research on the entire suite of assessments that we offer. The R&D investment is USD$500k - $1M every year. If required, full technical reports can be made available to customers.
We also incorporate the latest neuroscience and even EEG brain imaging technology in our research and development of our assessments. This enables us to provide more impactful assessments that get results.
Business case and investment
A business case captures the reasoning for initiating a project with psychometric assessments. It is often presented in a well-structured document or presentation that includes a statement of the problem, the expected investment costs, the expected return on investment and the overall expected outcome in relation to the strategy of the business.
What's the business case for using assessments?
A significant portion of businesses that use psychometric assessments apply them as part of the pre-hire process so an example on reducing turnover and improving hiring practices has been adapted below to provide a sample business case (Barrett, 2016).
- A commercial organisation has a turnover of $40M per annum (pa).
- The percentage of pre-tax profit is 20% equating to $8M pa.
- The average salaries of employees are: $8M at the operational level (n=160 at $50k pa) and $2M at executive levels (n=10 at $200k pa).
Problem Statement
- The percentage of staff annual turnover is 15% for operational and 10% for executives levels.
- With the costs incurred in the departure and subsequent hiring of operational staff put at $20k each (or $480k total), and $300k for each executive, these turnover costs can amount to $780k pa.
Proposed Solution
To apply psychometric assessments to reduce executive and operational staff turnover by 50% and create a potential saving each year.
The cost of a highly robust psychological assessment ranges between $750-1000 with a debrief per person. Allowing for the testing of the top 50 candidates as a pre-screen would cost approximately $50,000.
Return on Investment (ROI)
- Reducing staff turnover by 50% equates to a savings of $390k.
- Factoring in a potential increase in sales turnover resulting from a ‘selected-for-suitability’ approach to hiring may result in a 1% increase in sales turnover ($400k), with all other costs remaining static.
We can calculate the potential ROI as:
(((cost reduction + increased sales) – cost of assessment) / cost of assessment) x 100
(((390,000 + 400,000) - 50,000) / 50,000) x 100 = 1480%
With the cost of an assessment at $1000 per person with a debrief for each ($50k total), there is a positive ROI of 1480%.
What do the assessments cost?
We offer a variety of assessments, and each assessment is priced differently. Our offerings range from $100 to $600 +GST per person excluding debriefs. We offer price discounts for higher volumes.
There is also a recognised cost of not using assessments. “Managers today estimate that one-in-five employees should not have been hired, according to CEB, a best practice insight and technology company.” (CEB News, 2016) The typical cost of replacing a bad hire is at least 1.5 times the employee’s salary and benefits (Feldman, 2017).
Psychometric assessments can help employers reduce the number of unsuitable hires while enabling leaders to focus on their core role and drive the business forward.
Why choose Human Performance Technology by DTS for assessments?
- Our assessments are reliable and valid, and we can provide technical reports from our partner and supplier, TTI Success Insights.
- We pride ourselves on our customer support and additional services that enable our clients to effectively use and apply psychometric assessments in their business with our state-of-the-art web-based toolkit.
- We use a stable platform to deliver assessments online for desktop and mobile devices.
- We are the largest provider of TTI Success Insights assessment tools in Australia and New Zealand.
- We’ve been in business for over 40 years and a leading provider of assessment tools for more than 30 of those years.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Below you can find some of the most frequently asked questions about psychometric assessments.
Can I request a sample report?
Yes, you can request a sample report.
For more detailed information of what’s included in the reports generated from our various psychometric assessments, we invite you to request a sample report in this form.
I'm confused. Why are there so many versions of DISC out there?
While you do your research, you may discover that there are quite a few companies claiming to offer DISC assessments and accreditation.
DISC is not a patented or trademarked theory. Since becoming popular during the 1980s, dozens of DISC suppliers have proliferated in Australia, New Zealand and around the world. Each offers varying levels of validity, report content and training standards for their DISC profiles. This can make choosing a DISC supplier confusing.
In more recent times, some companies have invented marketing tag lines like “advanced”, "super-charged" and “extended” to distinguish themselves. When something is advertised as a new DISC product or a unique DISC innovation, we recommend that you scrutinise these claims, shop around and ask questions.
Some of the advantages of our DISC profile are listed below.
- Customisable Profiles - Our system gives you the ability to customise profiles by turning pages on and off, and even reordering pages. This means you can design the profile around your process, instead of designing your process around the profile.
- 47 Languages - Our suite of assessments is available in over 47 languages, with more being added every year.
- Neuroscience Validation - Our DISC assessment is totally unique in the market because we apply the latest neuroscience and EEG brain imaging technology to update our questionnaire.
- External Validation - Our DISC assessment is validated by an objective, third-party, which is uncommon in the assessment industry. (Ask your supplier if they conduct their validation studies internally or externally.)
- R4 Questionnaire - Another aspect that is unique about our questionnaire is that we ask participants to rank all four sets of 24 questions (R4), which produces higher validity than typical DISC questionnaires that use a 2-set approach.
- Speed - Our DISC questionnaire is delivered online and only takes 7-10 minutes to complete.
- Australian/New Zealand Norm - Our DISC questionnaire is designed with local data samples from the Australian and New Zealand populations.
- Team Profile - Our DISC profile is available in a team version so that multiple people’s profiles can be combined into a single profile to give a behavioural snapshot of the whole team.
- Free Group Wheel Feature - Our DISC wheel is an industry-leading tool for visually representing an individual's DISC style. The wheel is now available in a team version so that multiple people can be plotted on a single wheel. There is no extra charge for this.
- Job Profile - Workplace Behaviours - Our DISC profile is available as a job benchmarking tool. This allows you to profile a position in any company by completing a simple 10-minute questionnaire. This profile helps you understand the behaviours that are most important to that job, which can then be used as an aid in the selection process.
- Up to 25 Pages - Our DISC profile is available in multiple versions, with varying lengths of pages ranging from 10 to 25. This means that you can find a profile to suit your requirements.
- Beyond the World of Behaviour - Some assessment providers believe the world begins and ends with DISC. Our team recognises DISC as a useful and powerful tool; however, it has its limits. That's why our profiling suite is made up of five sciences: behaviour, motivational drivers, emotional intelligence, personal skills and acumen.
Is there a minimum number of assessments that I need to buy at once?
No, there is not a minimum number. We offer volume discounts for purchases up front.
Do you offer a free version of any of your assessments?
Yes, we offer a free Working From Home Report. Working remotely increased dramatically within a period of a couple of weeks in 2020 as social distancing became a required part of our lives to maintain our health.
With this change, our work and personal lives converged as we started working from home full-time. Like you, we are very aware of the pressure this caused, and we want to help.
One of the most important ways to alleviate some of the pressure is to help people understand themselves and others better - particularly their online communication style.
This is why we’ve collaborated with TTI Success Insights ANZ to release a free Working From Home Report, which includes personalised tips based on the science behind the DISC model.
The Report uses a very simplified version of the full DISC report, and as such, it does not require a coaching debrief. With this report, you will receive an accompanying DIY (do it yourself) action plan for your learning and development. Even better, leaders can use the report and action plan and tailor a session to their teams’ needs and engagement agendas.
As described above, DISC is an acronym for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. The model provides a universal language of observable behaviour, and by applying the model, you can improve the way you communicate with colleagues, friends and family.
Click the link for more information and to complete the free questionnaire. Please set aside 20 minutes. The report and supporting materials will be emailed to you immediately on completion. You will also be redirected to a landing page with further information you may find helpful.
Top Reasons to Use the free Working From Home Report
- Reading body language and picking up on non-verbal cues is more challenging on videoconference! The Working From Home Report includes ways to identify other behavioural cues.
- A team activity that supports understanding oneself and others can re-invigorate engagement. Teams can set aside time to discuss their style and what they need from others as part of a virtual team-building activity. This is a great way to connect!
Full Assessments
For potential customers interested in applying our assessments to their business, we can provide a complimentary version of any assessment to demonstrate the power of the tool. We invite you to contact our office and request a complimentary assessment.
How do I earn my certification in your assessments?
You can attend our Science of Self™ Level 1 Accreditation course. Learn more about what's included in the top 15 reasons to attend! Register your interest today...