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About Us

Human Performance Technology by DTS

Temre Green

Built to Last

Our history is defined by our ability to reinvent, grow and transform with our customers, the market and our purpose. In 1981, our business was founded by Doug Malouf, and it specialised in sales training. From the start, we were focused on people as well as business growth and performance.

Our business expanded into recruitment and talent management, where we leveraged deep insights from the Science of Self™ to support strategic workforce planning.

In 2020, we re-branded to set the tone for our next horizon and area of focus: the future of work. Human Performance Technology by DTS retains its rich history while also following our own advice to ‘walk the walk’ with new ways of working.

Doug Malouf

Doug Malouf Seminar

Doug founded Dougmal Training Systems (DTS) and Dougmal Real Estate. As a trainer and speaker, Doug became popular for his fun and interactive brand of training.

Doug is recognised as one of the world’s best trainers and inspirational speakers, having been inducted into the National Speakers Association (NSA) Hall of Fame.

He has made over 2,500 corporate presentations and authored 9 books. There are more than 300,000 people worldwide using his ideas.

Doug retired from the speaker’s spotlight and DTS in 2010. If you are looking for a copy of one of Dougs books, please contact our office to make an order.

Our Clients

Virtual Science of Self Accreditation

Over the past 40 years, we’ve formed long-lasting relationships with our clients by partnering with them to analyse their business, provide meaningful insights, improve performance and support their people.

We operate across all industries, and typically have two client types:

  • Business leaders in Executive, Strategy, Transformation and Human Resources roles, who are working internally in medium to corporate-sized businesses.
  • Business Consultants and Coaches, who are working externally to a corporation as a supplier and partner.

We have multiple operating models to support different client groups and their needs.

Our Team


Our team are specialists in Human Performance Technology, the Future of Work, Transformation, Organisational Development, Psychometric Assessments and Position Benchmarking. Together, we support our clients through a range of experience and skills to help their business develop and grow.

In 2020, we decided to transition to a fully remote model of working. This has motivated us to improve our virtual collaboration and bring those insights to our clients. We operate across Australia and New Zealand.

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is an entirely new world of work. Our mission is to bring into existence new practices that change the way every member of the global workforce will work forever. This new direction was introduced by Human Performance Technology by DTS in 2021.

Thank you once again for working through the Culture Suite Pulse Check Diagnostic with our team. I thought that you were great to work with and brought a great level of objectivity and openness. I also felt that you took the time to find the right diagnostic tool to help us improve our leadership capability.
Cupitt's Estate
Jennifer L.
General Manager, Cupitt's Estate

Virtual Consultation via Video Conference

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